Advocacy involves promoting the interests or cause of someone or a group of people.
Advocacy is about helping people find their voice.
The Stronghold Freedom Foundation began as a group of advocates who wanted to give a voice to the veterans of Karshi Khanabad, Uzbekistan. The organization has evolved into much more, but at our core is the desire to do whatever it takes to make K2 Veterans' voices heard.
How Can You Help?
Contact Your Legislators
The most effective way to assist K2 Veterans is for a constituent to make direct contact with their elected officials and talk to them about K2. It is not as simple as filling out the contact form on their website. You must make personal contact with a staff member, either at a local office or in DC.
We can help you with the process. We have developed a 'how-to' guide and a basic letter that will assist you in what to say.
Contact your Local Media
The story of toxic exposures at K2 and more specifically your story, if you are a K2 Veteran or family member, is extremely compelling. Every time our collective story is told, awareness increases, and the government will become more compelled to take action.
Contacting your local newspaper, TV station, or radio outlet might seem daunting, but it is important.
Tell Your Story to Others
We know it's hard to think about talking to the media about yourself, or your situation. If you don't feel comfortable with that there are other ways you can tell your story.
The Stronghold Freedom Foundation has a publication and we post stories from K2 Veterans and family members. If you are interested in writing your story and sharing it with the world let us know. We can help you tell it.