DAV Article about K2
Washington, D.C. - May, 27, 2021
The DAV published an article recently regarding the resent legislation for K2 Veterans and Stronghold Freedom Foundation. This article helps bring awareness to our cause and give us the ability to reach more K2 Veterans.
See the article here:
Executive order moves ball forward for K2 veterans - DAV

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About Stronghold Freedom Foundation
The Stronghold Freedom Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.
Our mission is to utilize awareness and partnerships to serve those who were exposed to toxic conditions while deployed in the service of our country. We represent almost 16,000 Veterans, family members (including Gold Star Families), civilian contractors, and federal employees that were deployed to or worked at Karshi Khanabad Air Base, Uzbekistan (K2) during Operation Enduring Freedom (2001-2005).
Our Veterans were exposed to multiple forms of toxic chemicals and radiation hazards during their time at K2. We strive to keep the promise made by the government to care for them and their families.