Do the Recent Articles About Depleted Uranium & Gulf War Syndrome Affect SFF Mission to K2 Veterans
The answer is no!
February 21, 2020
There have been recent media reports disproving the link between depleted uranium (DU) and Gulf War Syndrome. While this is of interest to K2 veterans, it does not delegitimize or impact any of our diseases and claims.
Declassified DoD documents about conditions at K2 identify hundreds of known toxins and carcinogens as well as radiation levels far above normal. The fact remains that all of our K2 veterans were exposed to a variety of potentially lethal substances.
Stronghold Freedom Foundation is now gathering evidence independent of the government. Since they have been either unwilling or unable to help us, we are doing what we do best and helping ourselves. Our goal remains to prove that fact through rigorous science, but also to obtain immediate relief for K2 veterans.
On Thursday, 25 February 2021, new legislation will be introduced and will provide for presumption of service connection for all K2 veterans. Stronghold Freedom Foundation will have a formal announcement upon release. When this bill becomes law, our bodies – the real evidence of toxic exposures – will finally receive the care we earned.
Stronghold Freedom Foundation is always looking for volunteers. If you’d like to help advocate for the new legislation, please reach out to Mark Jackson or Steve Nelson know. If you’d like to help with research – to gather facts – contact our research director, Ed Hernandez.
Every K2 veteran deserves recognition, assistance, and facts. Stronghold Freedom Foundation will not rest until those tasks are complete.

About Stronghold Freedom Foundation
The Stronghold Freedom Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Our mission is to utilize awareness and partnerships to serve those who were exposed to toxic conditions while deployed in the service of our country. We represent over 15,000+ Veterans, family members (including Gold Star Families), civilian contractors, and federal employees that were deployed to or worked at Karshi Khanabad Air Base, Uzbekistan (K2) during Operation Enduring Freedom (2001-2005). Our Veterans were exposed to multiple forms of toxic chemicals and radiation hazards during their time at K2. We strive to keep the promise made by the government to care for them and their families.