We can't do it without your help

Our goal is to help every K2 Veteran and their family until no one needs our assistance any longer.

We know - it's a lofty goal.

There are multiple ways that you can give. You can also earmark your donation to specific programs.

The Stronghold Freedom Foundation is a 501(C)3 Corporation and all donations are tax deductable.

Donate Online

Simply click the donate button, it is the quickest and easiest way to give a one-time or recurring donation to help K2 Veterans.


Donate by Mail

If you, or your organization, would rather send a donation by mail. Please contact us to find out how.

Become a Fundraiser

Do you have friends that will give a few dollars to help our cause? It's very simple to set up a peer-to-peer campaign.

If you need assistance please contact us.

Shop in Our Store

We have branded items that we sell to help raise money. Check out our store for some items and watch our Facebook page for T-shirt campaigns.

Sponsorship Opportunities

If your organization would like to become a sponsor of the Stronghold Freedom Foundation, a specific event, program, or scholarship we have several levels of sponsorship available.

Sponsor a Wreath

Wreaths Across America’s mission touches the lives of thousands of school, scout, civic and religious groups across the country through fundraising for wreath sponsorships.

We are partnering with Wreaths Across America to ensure that our fallen are honored at their gravesites. Please consider giving this year.

From the Wreaths Across America website, you can also volunteer to lay wreaths, and share our fundraiser.

Keeping the Promise

Abraham Lincoln stated in his Gettysburg Address: “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

We strive to compel the US Government to keep that promise to its veterans. But it is not the only promise we have to keep; we also have our commitment to our friend and founder Mike West, who succumbed to K2 related cancer, who only asked that we continue the fight for K2 veterans.