CSM Parry Baer
The Stronghold Freedom Foundation is sad to relay the news that CSM Parry Baer, Retired, has passed.
CSM Baer was at Karshi-Khanabad, Uzbekistan, as part of Task Force Dagger.
Many of our veterans knew or served with CSM Baer. God Speed, Command Sergeant Major.
Official announcement:
CSM(R) Parry L Baer
September 13, 2020 (Age 61)
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Special Forces
Parry Leonard Baer (Age 61) CSM, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Passed peacefully at his farm in Gettysburg on September 13, 2020. Born October 12, 1958, and raised in Croswell, MI, he honorably served 35-years in Army Special Forces. Parry retired as the USASOC CSM in December 2012 and started a cattle farm with his wife Kathleen.
Although a highly decorated Special Forces veteran who served globally in combat theatre operations, Parry defined himself by his family and farming. Parry preferred to discuss the renovation of his historic and award-winning civil war barn, his dog Summer, or combining at harvest time each year at his cousin’s farm in Croswell. But by all measures, he liked telling stories about his granddaughters best.
Parry was preceded in death by his parents, Helen Marie (neé Grout) and Parry Gray Baer, and survived by wife Kathleen; his sister, Jane; daughters Julie and Jodie, granddaughters Jacy and Jessa; two nieces and a nephew; thousands of Special Forces brothers-in-arms; and a grateful Nation. He will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Official Profile: Parry served 35 years in the United States Army, retiring as Command Sergeant Major of all US Special Forces.CSM Baer entered the Army in Nov. 1977 as a Combat Engineer. After completion of Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Miss., he was assigned to the 4th Infantry Division (Mech.) before volunteering for airborne and Special Forces training as a Special Forces Engineer Sergeant in 1980. Baer, a native of Croswell, Mich., began his SF career in 1981 at 5th SFG (A). His assignments there include several positions on Special Forces Operational Detachments Alpha 533, 534, and 514 within the 1st Battalion, 5th SFG (A). Baer has served as a battalion command sergeant major for 5th SFG (A) and 7th SFG (A) as well as the group command sergeant major for 5th SFG (A). Baer served in combat operations from Operation Desert Storm through the current Global War on Terrorism.
In addition to completing Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Training at every level; Baer’s military education included completion of the Basic Airborne Course, Ranger Course, Special Forces Qualification Course, Static-line Jumpmaster, Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape Course, Special Forces Operations and Intelligence Course, Joint Firepower Control Course, Special Operations Training Course, Turkish Language Course, Basic Military Free Fall Course and Military Free Fall Jumpmaster Course. His awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, one Bronze Star Medal for valor, three Bronze Star Medals for service, four Meritorious Service Medals, five Army Commendation Medals, five Army Achievement Medals, Good Conduct Medal (9th Award), and National Defense Service Medal (2nd Award). He has earned the Combat Infantryman Badge (2nd Award), Special Forces Tab, Ranger Tab, Master Parachutist Badge, and Military Free Fall Jumpmaster Badge. He also has been awarded the Parachute Badge from the following countries: Greece, Jordan, Kenya, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates.

Command Sergeant Major Baer (L) is pictured with Lieutenant General John Mulholland.
*This post has been edited to correct the date of CSM Baer’s death.
My condolences to the family with the loss of a wonderful and great man that gave all he could for his country “ what a man “ Thank you so much sir for your service …. Your reward will be greater up with the Lord may you rest in peace
My condolences to the family with the loss of a wonderful and great man that gave all he could for our country “ what a man “ Thank you so much sir for your service …. Your reward will be greater up with the Lord may you rest in peace
Sorry to leave this
I trained with Sgt Baer, Phase 1 Special Forces school.. class 5 – 81.. very focused and examples of the best of the best… it was an honor to Know You brother
CSM Parry L. Baer was my Team Sergeant when I was commanding ODA 514. He was the epitome of the quiet professional. He set the standard for all to follow. It was my honor to serve with him and to call him my friend. Words fail to convey the impact he had not only on me, but all he came in contact with. I learned and was mentored in what excellence in leadership should be. I am forever grateful to have known him and learn from him. He will be forever missed in the brotherhood of Special Forces.